From: Angela Wills of Living Lifestyle Freedom...

Hey there! 

Before we get too far into the details I want to ask you to agree to TWO things. If you don't agree you don't need to go any further as this course just won't be for you. 

Thing #1: Don't ask "Can I do it?"... ask "HOW can I do it?". I need your agreement here because asking if you can just opens all ALL KINDS of reasons for your mind to say no you can't and back it up with proof and examples! None of that. You have to believe it and then determined to find a way. Okay? 

Thing #2: Don't expect it to be easy. I'm sorry to hit you with stark reality before we get into the fun, fun stuff! The truth is that not having a business and freedom is hard and having a business WITH freedom is also hard. You pick which hard you want! Okay? 

 It's important that you're in the right mindset to use this course. I won't sell you something that isn't right for you... however if you're good to go with Thing 1 & Thing 2 then I'm soooo excited to share this training with you!

Total Lifestyle Freedom is not an Accident
Here's the Part Where I Tell You What's
Possible When You Live Lifestyle Freedom:

What Lifestyle Freedom Looks Like: 

  • Picking up your kids from school anytime you need to. 
  • Being there for aging family members. 
  • Working only on the things you WANT to work on, the projects you LOVE... of your choosing because it's your business. 
  • Taking a self-care day even when you planned to work, because you CAN. 
  • Prioritizing life over business but not sacrificing lifestyle or living!

I've personally been living my version of lifestyle freedom since I quit my job in 2007 as a single mom who was working an afternoon-shift at a car parts factory. I couldn't get out of there fast enough and after three years of moonlighting I did it! 

 I've been running businesses for over 21 years now and this training is really the culmination of ALL I've learned about how to raise a business while raising a family. 

Lifestyle Freedom Business is what I call a "Living Program" which means it will be continually updated as I learn more and achieve more (and I'm ALWAYS working on new things)! 

Let me tell you exactly what I have planned so far...

What You'll Learn Inside
Lifestyle Freedom Business:


Decide what you want your life and business to LOOK like and how to make it happen.


Learn about the possibilities in online business and choose a business model to run with!


Mindset is a work in progress. This module with help you work through some common roadblocks.


From one non-money expert to another I'm gonna tell you all my money mis-steps. A what not to do module!


Every business needs strong offers. You will learn to match your skills to great offers your market WANTS.


Selling isn't about pushing things... it's about communication. You'll learn the skills you need to market your offer here.


If you want your business to grow year after year (who doesn't) then scaling is an important focus. This is your module to scale.


What is all this work FOR? That's what you'll get really clear on in this module so you have the momentum to keep going when the going gets tough!

How to Register for Lifestyle Freedom Business

Fill in the registration form below to register for this program. 

Remember - this is a Living Program - which means it will be updated regularly!

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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  • Total payment
  • 1xLifestyle Freedom Business$0

All prices in USD

Special Offer
Add to cart$50.00

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $145$145.00
  • Preferred option
    Three payments of $55 ($165 Total)3x $55.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Lifestyle Freedom Business

What You Get:

On-Demand Video & PDF of Presentation so you can learn in your favorite way!

Workbooks for each module to give you goals and actions to progress towards YOUR Lifestyle Freedom Business.

Customer-Only Community access to network and grow with other like-minded business owners.

Intake and Course Completion forms to track your progress and Return on Investment.

Invite to the Customer Showcase when you complete the program!