Hi from Angela Wills!
But don't worry about the robots. We have something they don't have (at least not yet).

Here are some really good reasons to think about using Core Messages and Values to create Endless Email Ideas for your email marketing:
- With Core Messages it's easy to write emails because you're just sharing what's important to you.
- Sharing your values draws in
people with the SAME values as
you - creating a very tight
connection to your readers.
- Your energy around your values is
going to automatically and
naturally come through. You won't
have to even try to sound excited,
engaged, ready - your values do
that for you.
- You'll never run out of ideas
because you simply talk about
what matters to you.
- What are Core Values & Core Messaging?
- How to Find Your Core Messaging (Exercise with Worksheet)
- How to establish an email list where people stay for YOU, not your topics, offers, products, etc. They buy YOU.
- Examples of Core Messages and Emails Using Core Messaging.
I'm so excited to share this with you! There is no need for any manipulation or pushy tactics that make you feel like you need to take a shower after... it's FEEL GOOD marketing so you can "just hit send"!
Here's what one of my customers said after she went through this class:
Angela Wills this is awesome! In just under one hour here's the fast action I did: Listened to the video, filled out the worksheet, brainstormed my core values. It's great, quick, easy and can be done over coffee .
This is a class for you if you want your content to flow no matter what topic or offer or product you are talking about.
This is a class for you if you want to build deep connections with your subscribers so they truly get to know you and what you stand for.
I can't wait to share this topic and training with you. If you have ANY questions you can always email me at angela@angelawills.com or hit the message button on the bottom of this page - I read and respond, always.
Talk soon and hope to see you there!

Until today I really didn’t get what she was saying about how easy it is to write from the heart and put yourself out there. When you love your business and you do it from a genuine desire to help people, the words just flow.

- Class Recording
- BONUS: Core Messaging Worksheet
- BONUS: Email Prompts Sheet
- Special Discount Offer to Join Email Practice Club
When you sign up for this class you will also be added to my daily "Letters from Angela" email list. In this list I give you advice and tips like I'd give my BFFs, no cost! I want you to win no matter what and I consider your payment to be the time and attention you take to open and read my emails. If by chance, though, you don't like my emails you can also unsubscribe at any time.
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YES - My products come with a guarantee! I want you to be completely happy with your purchase. So please go ahead and buy this product, try it for 30 days and if you're not happy with the value provided just email me for a full refund.
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